About Me

Having been brought up in the Christian faith and having been a believer for much of my adult life, I came to know the Bible quite well, including the theosophical challenges Christianity has to face. Over the years, however, the questions behind not only the Christian faith, but all others as well, became overwhelming and in the end I could no longer adhere to Christian beliefs. In 1996 Graham Hancock’s Fingerprints of the Gods introduced me to a new realm of possibilities, the realm of the ancient world. For many years Fingerprints remained in the back of my mind and it was only in August of 2000, when I purchased a copy of Josephus’ Works, that I actively began delving into the past.
For several years I collected any book on ancient history that I could find, taking the information it presented at face value (luckily, I didn’t know better), with an open mind. My own theories developed over time and I initially decided to publish its essence on the Internet only, mostly for the sake of review and criticism by interested scholars and novices alike (had lots of heated discussions on relevant forums). Whereas my identification of Terra Australis Incognita as Atlantis remains web-based, my research later culminated in the publication of two books, Thera and the Exodus - The Exodus Explained in Terms of Natural Phenomena and the Human Response To It in February 2013, and Barbelo - The Story of Jesus Christ in October 2014. In both books I present many new interpretations of ancient texts and narratives inexplicably overlooked by and seemingly escaping modern scholars.
Professionally I am a practicing engineer who holds a PhD degree in Electronic Engineering and have been awarded Senior Membership of the IEEE. The theories presented here were developed more or less as a hobby in my leisure time, and I trust that you will find it stimulating to read and that it will spark an interest in you about our fascinating ancient past.
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